About this blog
My name is Jeff Meyerhoff. I live in Chicago, IL and work as a computer programmer specializing in mobile application development. Confabulator is a blog where I write my thoughts about computer projects and technology.
My areas of interest are upcycling hardware, taking ownership of my digital life, and interrupting technologies that makes me feel bad for profit.
Privacy Policy
Last updated 8/26/2024
- Page views are not logged. This website doesn’t use any page view tracking or analytics.
- No external resources. All files on this website will be served from the same domain (*.confabulator.xyz). This includes image files, JavaScript files, CSS files, font files, etc.
- No iframes or embedded media. I will provide clickable links to external content rather than embed it on pages.
The tech behind the site
This site is built using Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages.